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How The Prenatal Paternity Tests Done Today Reveals Details About Pregnancy

Women who get pregnant will be seeking different answers concerning the same. The ladies will take concern about the doctor’s choice, lifestyle or signs showing pregnancy. Some people ask about prenatal paternity and goes for the test. Many individuals stigmatize those doing this test today. You can have this test to know more about the baby.

It is possible to have early paternity testing by getting the DNA profiling as early as ten weeks. When done during the first trimester, the invasive procedure might cause miscarriages. It is possible to have invasive tests without the complication coming.

Today, technology allows the doctor to choose from two types of prenatal paternity tests. The Chorionic Villus sampling, known as CVS is done from 10th to 13th week. Under unique conditions, this can be done at eight weeks. Experts take thin plastic tubes inserted through the vigina and into the lady’s cervix. With the ultrasound used, it collects placenta tissues which give the baby’s DNA contained in the chorionic villi. When used, this test can reveal the genetic abnormalities. When this chorionic villus sampling is done, a woman might complain of some moderate to mild discomforts as the procedure is done in less than 10 minutes. However, this gives accurate results within one week.

During the second trimester, one can have the Amniocentesis tests done. When a person does this procedure, the doctor aims to test the amniotic fluids. The doctor uses a small needle to extract these fluids from the abdomen and away from the fetus. The procedure is done under an anesthetic to relieve the discomforts. The tests will come after a few weeks, and the procedure can last for up to 45 minutes. In some women, the amniocentesis tests can lead to miscarriages. The procedure can also be used to detect birth defects and genetic disorders.

The doctors might also advise one to have the non-invasive prenatal tests, which might bring miscarriages. The non-invasive test is considered better than the invasive one. This procedure can be done from 8 weeks if the woman has a good reason to have the test done. By checking this great post, any woman will show the reasons to schedule this procedure done. At seven weeks, the fetus DNA becomes part of the woman blood, and this allows the doctor to use the mother’s blood as a sample. Doctors might take blood or cheek swab samples from the woman. Some test demand blood sample from the father.

If you want this prenatal paternity testing to be done, know the options available. Some tests are better than others, and the doctor gives advice on what to expect as you prepare for the birth time to come.